Back Pain

Back Pain

Best Spine Doctor for Back Pain Treatment

What is Back Pain ?

Back pain is a frequent cause of missed workdays and visits to the doctor. It may be agonizing and devastating.

Injury, physical exercise, and various medical problems can also cause it. People of any age might experience back discomfort for a variety of reasons. Lower back pain is more likely to develop as people age because of things like previous occupations and degenerative disc disease.

The bony lumbar spine, the discs between the vertebrae, the ligaments surrounding the spine and discs, the spinal cord and nerves, the lower back muscles, the abdominal and internal pelvic organs, and the skin around the lumbar region may all be contributing factors to lower back pain.

What Causes Back Pain ?

Back may be caused by issues with the spine, such as osteoporosis. Muscles, ligaments, tendons, discs, and bones form the intricate structure of the human back, which supports the body and makes movement possible. The discs that act as cushions for the spine's segments resemble cartilage. Back pain can result from issues with any of these parts. The exact cause of some back pain situations is yet unknown. Damage can occur as a result of strain, illnesses, and bad posture, among other things.

When you should visit the Doctor

Although the pain frequently subsides on its own, people should visit their doctor if it persists:

  • Weight loss
  • Back swelling or inflammation
  • Persistent back pain that is made worse with lying down or resting, along with leg pain
  • A recent back injury, blow, or trauma
  • Urination problems
  • Inability to control bowel movements or inability to urinate or feces
  • Numbness in the genital area
  • Numbness in the buttocks

How is Back Diagnosed

Back pain is diagnosed by tests like X-ray, MRI, CT scans, bone scans, electromyography, etc. Home treatments like pain relief medications, resting, etc., have a great impact on back pain. Medications, physical therapy, cortisone injections, cognitive behavioral therapy, etc., are also effective for back pain.